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Italian mayors are raising toasts to the 2007 Ben Ryé, the Passito di Pantelleria which Donnafugata produces has won the Gran Medaglia d’Oro (Grand Gold Medal) in the Selezione del Sindaco (Mayor’s Choice) international Wine Cities competition whose 2009 edition was just held in S. Michele All’Adige.
This is the only wine competition featuring combined entries of the producing winery and the community in which the vineyards are located, and is solely for premium wines.
The award ceremony will be held at the Campidoglio in Rome on July 6.
For the record, Ben Ryé has already won the “Mayor’s Choice” prize twice, the first time in 2002 with the 2000 vintage and the second in 2006 with the 2004. Info: www.cittadelvino.it and www.selezionedelsindaco.it.
Public Relations:
Baldo M. Palermo [email protected] tel. 0039 0923 7242267
Laura Ellwanger [email protected] te. 0039 0923 724258